
The Da Vinci Code

Author: Nikita khabya

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About the Book


The story begins with the shocking murder of Jacques Saunière, the curator of the Louvre Museum in Paris, who leaves behind cryptic clues that lead Langdon and French cryptologist Sophie Neveu on a quest to uncover the truth. As they follow a trail of codes and symbols hidden in famous artworks and historical documents, Langdon and Neveu find themselves pursued by a ruthless adversary determined to protect a secret that could change the course of history.

Know the Author

Nikita khabya

Location: Pune, India

Nikita Khabya is an emerging author whose literary prowess is marked by a unique blend of introspection, cultural exploration, and vivid storytelling. With a background rooted in anthropology and a passion for understanding human behavior, Khabya's writing delves into the intricacies of identity, belonging, and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships.