"Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School" is the tenth book in the immensely popular "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series, written by Jeff Kinney. The series follows the misadventures of Greg Heffley, a middle schooler navigating the challenges of adolescence. In "Old School," Greg and his classmates face a new twist in their educational journey when the school district decides to go "old school" and cut off modern technology. This means no smartphones, tablets, or computers, leading to various hilarious and chaotic situations as the students struggle to adapt to the changes. Life was better in the old days. Or was it? That's the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences and Greg isn't cut out for an old-fashioned world. With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive? Or is going 'old school' just too hard for a kid like Greg?
Nikita khabya
Location: Pune, India
Nikita Khabya is an emerging author whose literary prowess is marked by a unique blend of introspection, cultural exploration, and vivid storytelling. With a background rooted in anthropology and a passion for understanding human behavior, Khabya's writing delves into the intricacies of identity, belonging, and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships.